Saturday, January 1, 2022

Dance it is the insparation

Why is that dance took over my life and I got preoccupied with it to the limitness or imiginations, to the limitness of choices, I would say before you deep dive into the profession, you need to reseach yourself and type of dance business wise, as it is can be very rewarding or very dissapounting road ahed, you need to know that your personality is matching that calling of yours, it is serious business, so if you drawn to it re easiness of apperance, it is mirage and it is harder then any other time of business as you need always to make it look effortness and that part is almost impossible to maintain. Let us see if dance will gave you power or take it away, gave you confidence, or destroy it, many things can go wrong, etc.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Jive Open Routine/composition

Jive Open Routine/composition introduction : 1. 1-3 still 4 turn, 5 accent, 6-5 locks forward to join, 5 shadow on left foot, 6,7 still, and 8 chasse
2. 1-8 cross with kicks; 3. 1-4 hops
4. 5&6 reaching up, 7,8 standing on left foot
5. 1-4 traveling kick-ball-change; 6. 5,6 walk with rotating shoulders
7. 7&8 lock; 8. 1,2,3&4 cross; 9. 5-8 swivels with kick;
10. long cross 1,2,3-4; 11. 5,6 close; 12. 7,8 wave;
13. 1-6 fall away throw away; 14. 7,8; 15. 5-… points going around;
16. 4 close feet; 17. 5-8 knee shake; 18. 1,2 point;
19. 3&4 chasse; 20. 5-8 change of place;
21. 1-8, 1-4 New Yorks with spins; 22. 5-2 Shugar Push;
23. 3-8 fall away throw away; 24. 1-5 bring lady behind; 25. 6-8 still;
26. 3,4 rise; 27. 5&6 back lock; 28. 7-2 sailor walk;
29. 3-6 traveling kick ball changes; 30. &7 chasse; 31. 8 swivel;
32. 1&2 chasse; 33. 3-6 twice – cross with kicks;
34. 7,8& man’s lock to lady’s left; 35. 1,2 swivel to left;
36. 3-8 merenge (side step)

Compliance Officer Roles and Responsibilities

What does a Camlo do? developing and maintaining a written, ongoing compliance training program for your employees, agents or mandataries, or other authorized persons; instituting and documenting a plan for the ongoing compliance training program and delivering the training (training plan); and.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Getting old is just cruel But Learning ballet with Oksana Latynina Helps Seniors Stay Young…

Life is tough in so many ways. It has come full circle in one way. I saw pictures of myself as a baby recently and noticed something I never thought of before. I was chubby, my hair was thin, and I had no teeth. Then, I reminisced about the years as a teenager I couldn’t gain any weight despite eating like a horse and I might add, mostly junk food. I had long thick hair (partly because it was the style back then). Now, I’m getting older I seem to be getting similar traits I had as a baby -my hair is thinning. In addition, it appears to be migrating to places I don’t want it. In addition, I’m getting a little chubbier around the waistline. Luckily, I still have my teeth, despite playing hockey for so many years (knock on wood). With life, it is so hard to be good; it is so easy to take the “bad” way of life. We need to be super human. A person works all day, including having to do overtime, then commutes home in traffic taking hours a day, and then cooks dinner. Then I have the added burden of trying to keep a healthy lifestyle and, of course, look good for the single ladies by spending time keeping in shape. Don’t get me wrong, I still get some enjoyment from it. Now, by the time this is over with, it is time to go to bed early enough to do it again the next day. Weekends are much of the same, including taking care of chores. Of course, I haven’t even mentioned some of us have kids or a significant other to consider. Even to the point so they don’t feel neglected. Also, I converted to eating tofu and soy products, eating more veggies, and cutting out meat. I’m as close to being a vegetarian as one can get without being able to use that term. To combat this inevitable destiny, I’ve focused all my energies into running, swimming, biking, ice hockey, and even ballet dancing lessons. Yes, ballet lessons with a great instructor like Oksana Latynina (even the sound of her name resonates as a dancer). It’s come down to an all out attack on my flexibility. Get this – I need to do an activity that gets me into shape to play the other activities to keep me in shape. And so far, the dancing lessons are working. For the past few years, I did these things for myself. Now, I’m taking all that training and using it by joining the “Ride to Conquer Cancer”. It is a challenging two day biking journey from Vancouver to Seattle to raise money for cancer. Check out my website look me up. “The Ride to Conquer Cancer will support breakthrough research, exemplary teaching, and compassionate care made possible through BC Cancer Foundation, a leader in cancer research and care.” That’s one of many reasons why I’m riding. On a personal note, my brother beat cancer, my uncles are battling cancer, and sadly the past few years some family friends have been lost to cancer.

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, March 4, 2021

According to Canadian Men's Lifestyle Magazing The Number One date movie that leads to intense romantic everning afterwards is timeless ‘80s classic Dirty Dancing

Katherine: How do you discover whether or not she/he can do any moves? Vadim: By posture, shoes, people she is talking to. If she saw my dancing before and won't take my invitation it means she is not self secure. If she calmly joins me, she knows what she's doing. Is a club the right atmosphere to teach a prospective woman/man you're interested in, dance steps? It certainly depends on the private intentions. If I want to get to know her more I will invite her to a private ballroom to feel freer. If it's a dance of the moment I will teach her right in the club. Learning steps in the middle of the street is also a good Idea. It's exciting and it draws audiences with applause. The ballroom dancer would look in a ballroom club, the bar frequenter in bars. For each of them there is specific place of comfort. What DON'T you say to a woman/man who wants you to teach her some steps? It seems that you're not the right type for dancing. Don't worry, you're just born that way. It's not your fault! I would avoid discouraging a beginner by criticism. What DO you say? It's getting there. It's getting better every time. I like your expression. Very good for the first time. What if she/he has two left feet? Tell her to use her other left foot. If I am interested anyways, I would not focus on dance skill. How do you ditch her/him? I have preparations for the world championships. I need my rest. If I am not on one to one date, then it is very easy. Just wait for the end of music. Is it better to fake it or be real, even if you don't know what you're doing/are a novice? Always be real, but do everything in a self secure mood. You can express yourself verbally in either way with no problem. Does an experienced dancer like you ever ask a woman to dance just to be suave and so you can then SHOW her how to dance? Not really. I would prefer to dance with women who have a feeling for it. Showing someone how to dance can be destroying the party atmosphere sometimes. I would let her dance how she feels. Your advice for novices? If you like it, do it. Before happiness and freedom will come on a high level dance floor, you must feel it in your daily life as well. I hope, Katherine, I helped you a bit with my answers. Can't wait to see the end result of your project. Thank you, Vadim. You're an angel for all of your help!

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Why Men Don't Dance By Joe Donato

Joe Donato is a popular teacher of American Style Ballroom as well as Argentine Tango, and the Latin Rythym dances in the Philadelphia area, USA Joe Donato with his students, click photo to enlarge It's a world-renown tradition that re-emerges in pop culture every few decades or so, and has recently been sweeping the nation, the television, the movies, and your kitchen floor. Though it may be rare to find a man who does it well, it is a time tested activity that gets burned into our psyches with every Disney cartoon we feed our kids. So if ballroom dancing has such a dramatic hold on society, and on our women, why are so few men interested in it?
I was forced to ponder this question after I chose this as a part-time career just a few years ago. I was looking for something that kept me physically active and away from a chair and a computer screen, yet was a little more intellectually stimulating than UPS. Little did I know what profound effect it would have, not only on my financial stability, but my social life, my personal relationship with the opposite sex, and my overall peace of mind, body and spirit. Though I still remain to be the only guy in my circle of friends who is in on this little secret, I'm looking to change that. Here's my take on why there are so few men who embrace this activity: It is my conviction that the number one reason why more men don't dance is because instinctually, men shy away from anything that has the potential to make them look incompetent in some way in front of their woman. It's a natural primordial instinct. The only thing worse then not impressing a woman on the dance floor, is completely disappointing a woman on the dance floor. To an inexperienced man, the dance floor is not as much a place of energy, and fun and stimulation on all levels, as much as it is a giant examination table. At the same time, the majority of dance instructors and studio owners are female. They may be excellent dancers, and may have excellent people skills, but being a member of the opposite sex, their brains are not wired like a man's brains. When they teach, they appeal to the feminine nature of the dance. But the typical male is not motivated by "feeling light and free". The average Joe is not concerned with being able to move his hips like a Cuban. He is however, motivated by being able to make his woman feel light and free and floating. If he can get a woman to move her hips like a Cuban, and a smile on her face, he just might be interested. So how does he do that? Simple: In dancing, what the woman needs, is a good leader. She needs her man to be able to lead her around the floor. If the man can learn to do this, he truly does not need fancy steps to put a smile on the woman's face. It's really that simple… and that difficult! But it doesn't have to be an elitist skill, reserved only for the incredibly gifted. Being a good leader is a practical, purpose driven, acquired skill. When my dance teacher was first teaching me Argentine tango, she made it a point to only teach me the basic cross step, and then said to me "If you can do that, and nothing else, you'll make a lot of women happy and they'll want to dance with you all night long." That was all I needed to hear. I focused on just getting that step down, and didn't get preoccupied with fancy footwork, dramatic turns, or fancy hand flair. I had a specific task set out to accomplish, and it wasn't "be a good dancer". That's a vague, broad, general goal. This goal was far more purpose driven. It was "get confident with leading the cross step 'till it's a no-brainer". There can be a lot of multitasking in Ballroom Dancing, but when you're learning, don't get caught up in it. There's no need to be out tromping around on the floor, failing at the five different things. Men are methodical creatures by nature. We tend to only master one thing at a time. If we start to multitask in the learning process, things can get messy. And when things get messy, we feel incompetent and the woman feels "unsafe". Being a good leader in any dance is one of the first, and most important of many individual disciplines, that make you a better dancer each time you go out on to the dance floor. You'll experience victory, and a sense of accomplishment, in small increments. But when you start to add them together, you'll be amazed at the progress you're making. You'll actually start to enjoy the process, instead of just enduring it. And if you persevere, satisfied women will follow. Trust me. (Note: It is illegal to reproduce this article without the expressed written consent from Joe Donato & Team) Joe Donato has been teaching ballroom dancing in the Philadelphia area for three years. What started out as a part time job during the off-seasons of his Video Production business, has turned into a passion and a nutritious part of a well-balanced lifestyle. He is proficient in traditional Waltz, Tango, and Foxtrot as well as Argentine Tango, and the Latin Rythym dances as Rumba, Salsa, Merengue, Mambo. He also has a passion for Swing (Lindy, West Coast, East Coast, Jitterbug), and can be found frequenting Swing, Ballroom, and Argentine Tango dances all around the Philadelphia area. He excels in getting people who have never learned to dance, to achieve confidence quickly. He is also passionate about privateadvanced instruction, where he can personally devote his attention to taking individuals to a completely new level of dance that they didn't know they could achieve.
"Therefore, dance, in its essence, is the loftiest and the oldest of all arts. In the dance, outside the influence of words and outside the influence if instrument, a man becomes an instrument himself, a song and a creator, and all his body sounds a a timbre of voice... A perfect dance is crated when one's entire body becomes a sounding musical instrument and every sound of it bears a gesture..." - Maximilian Voloshin stated. Nearly four years passed since then. I traditionally visited ballroom dance competitions in Vancouver but that first performance I memorized most explicitly. Thus I decided to find out where Vadim is trained right now, and how his dance career is going. After the short search I got prized number and call Vadim Austria... I asked Vadim if he intend to come back to Vancouver soon. Of course, he answered, I try to combine my training with participation in dance life of my native city, Vancouver.

Harmonious Movement

Irina Fokina, Vancouver - Viena. The origination of this article is fairly banal. In a short week after arriving in Vancouver on a working visa, I happened to attend a final round of ballroom dance competition. This was my first visit to a public event in Canada. It was then when I first saw the performance of Vadim Garbuzov, and I was struck by his clear and surprisingly harmonious movement. This make me recollect the exerpt of Maximilian Voloshin's essay The Meaning of the Dance, Dance - is the body's ecstasy just as the prayer in the ecstasy of the soul." Below are examples of Vadim's moves:
Dance accompanies the man throughout history and it is located on the border of arts and sports. However, particular style an International Program of DanceSport, with its competition system had been finally formed just some half a century ago. "Though mostly under the influence of British choreographers, it included dance elements of all continents. Motion expressive means are parallel to the lingual. Steps can be compared to words, sporting events - to the dispute, the novel - to the stage action, and dance - rather to poetry due to its rhythm, ambiguity and emotional density. People always expressed themselves through body movements to music. Such factors as competitive spirit, bodily beauty and performer's inspiration define attraction of the dance sport " Vadim says. Besides, in some circles ballroom dance because the popular social lubricant and the communication means. The dancers are usually mentally powerful, have good manners and understanding of the opposite sex. How do you keep your focus on dance? The idea is that dancing improves through the overall personality development. Thus, working with personal psychologist would benefit any athlete, because presence of mental block or incompleteness would make the performance improve slower. However, I do not think that this is a common practice today. Typically, athletes take recommendations of all situations from their coaches. How to extract the maximum benefit from practice? The atmosphere and audience are important. The human is a social being, and the dance assumes a viewer. To have some people around, be they professionals, friends or just random people, is still better than dancing on your own. What in your opinion is important to succeed in dance sport? First of all one needs talent for it. Not everybody can become a dancer, just like a scientist, an actor or a singer. A sole talent, however, is also insufficient. Often they say one needs rich riech to take lessons from the best coaches and to travel around the world. Certainly, money accelerates one's path to the top, but to become a real star, other components are necessary, that can not be bought. Dance is an expensive sport, and may athletes have to work hard to maintain their favorite occupation. Often, this is also not enough. Some enjoy their parents assistance for a long time. But what can be advised to those whose parents can not extend sufficient financial support? The answer is that money is not everything in file, and given fanatic desire, solution can usually be found somehow. Vadim expressed thanks to all teachers, administrators and businessmen of dance industry, creating the infrastructure for dance sport development, building dance halls and organizing competitions and TV shows. I am sure in due time Vadim will make even greater contribution to dance development. He will also accept any suggestions or propositions by email

Why Dance - sensational discovery by Alecia Fraser / All rights reserved /

Alecia Fraser truly believe that your body is the greatest instrument you will ever own and that to dance is to use your most powerful tool, to be strong and soft ... Why Dance - sensational discovery by Alecia Fraser Why Dance? Why not, I say. To dance is to express yourself in a way that might be frowned upon walking down a busy street. To dance is to release yourself in self expression, moving through emotions, or feelings you may not be able to put into words. To dance is to use your most powerful tool, to be strong and soft, and luxurious. Your body is the greatest instrument you will ever own. To use it in dance is to honour yourself in mind, in spirit, in body. Whether you choose lifting weights, running, yoga, dancing or a variety of activities. It is as important in youth as it is in every stage of life to stay active and to continually engage that powerful instrument to maintain your youth. Life requires maintenance. We need to fuel our bodys with good quality food. We need to engage our muscles to keep them strong. We need to engage our minds to keep it fresh and alert. Dance is a fun and empowering way to keep on top of all these things. If weight is the battle, dance is great strength and cardio conditioning. It develops long lean muscles and it is fun, no matter what your level. It engages the mind body connection, keeping you alert and focused. For those of us that don’t have 8 hours a day to dance like Britney Spears getting performance ready, there Are options to help you obtain the body you desire. Diet is a huge factor in your body’s appearance, but who has the will power to pass up grandma’s desert? And, why should you have to pass up your favorite things all the time? With a little hard work, and determination maybe you can have your cake and eat it too. With modern technology at our disposal the battle gets a little easier. There are several non-invasive treatments available to help us with stubborn areas of inconvenient fat, Nu Age Lipolaser+ for instance is a great option to release fat, and then head to dance class to burn it off. In as little as six one hour treatments you can melt and dance off as much as 4 inches in your abdominals! It really doesn't get much simpler than that. So, dance like no one is watching and enjoy life to it's absolute fullest! Every dance, no matter what style, has something in common. Dance may also be regarded as a form of nonverbal communication between humans, and is also performed by other animals (patterns of behaviour such as a mating dance). It not only involves flexibility and body movement, but also physics. (Note: It is illegal to reproduce this article without the expressed written consent from Alecia Fraser & Team) Alecia Fraser has been helping dancers with a well-balanced lifestyle and with Weight Loss. She is proficient in working with dancers to learn about their individual needs and how to get a great result. She excels in getting people who where sceptical, to achieve confidence quickly. She is also passionate about private advanced instruction, where she can personally devote her attention to taking individuals to a completely new level of body and spirit that they didn't know they could achieve. Visit her ever-evolving website and browse some of her informative articles and information about her Non-invasive, fat reduction Body Contouring Nu Age Body Care treatments.

Alphabetical Dance Terms List:

the Follower ("F") - Man/Woman or Leader/Follower Free Foot - this is the unweighted foot, the foot with no weight applied Kick - a fast movement of the Free Foot Lead and Follow - resistance between partners which will be either active resistance or passive resistance, the leader do not use force Social Dancer - a person who participates in a social gathering arranged for dancing (as a tea dance, where socializing is the primary focus of the dancing) Shadow Position - dance position where both man and lady face the same direction, with one partner directly in front of the other or slightly offset Step Pattern - is a rhythm pattern with direction indicated Triple Step - a series of three consecutive steps, usually syncopated within two beats of music Underarm Turn - any turn which takes place under joined hands Variation - a modified version of a common step pattern Walkaround Turn - the American name for the International Latin Spot Turn Visit Forum Now! Dance topics and much more... visit Some IDSF members are national DanceSport associations: ADF - Austrian DanceSport Federation, Austria (Europe) AABD - Asociación Argentina de Baile Deportivo DanceSport BC - British Columbia Amateur Dancesport Association (in Canada) DSAA - Dance Sport Association of the Azerbaijan Republic, NOC recogn. BDF - Belgian Dancesport Federation, NOC recogn. BDF - Belgian Dancesport Federation, NOC recogn. CADA - Canadian Amateur Dancesport Association, NOC recogn. CDF - Chinese DanceSport Federation, NOC recogn. CDTA - The Canadian Dance Teachers Association DS - Dansk Sportdanserforbund - Denmark (Europe) EADA - English Amateur Dancesport Association EDSA - Estonian Dance Sport Association, NOC recogn. FDSA - Finnish Dance Sport Assosiation, NOC recogn. FFD - Fédération Francaisse de Danse, France (Europe), NOC recogn. HKDSA - Hong Kong DanceSport Association, NOC recogn. HDA - Hungarian Dancesport Association FIDS - Federazione Italiana Danza Sportiva, NOC recogn. JDSF - Japan DanceSport Federation, NOC recogn. IDSF - The International Dance Sport Federation IOC - The International Olympic Committee RDSF - Romanian DanceSport Federation, NOC recogn. DSFR - Dancesport Federation of Russia, NOC recogn. SGDF - Singapore DanceSport Federation, NOC recogn. SDSF - Slovak Dance Sport Federation, NOC recogn. TDSA - Thailand Dance Sport Association, NOC recogn. USAD - USA Dance, U.S.A.(America), NOC recogn. UDSA - The Uganda Dance Sport Association, NOC recogn. UUDSO - the Ukrainian Union of Dance Sport Organizations UIFSDD - Uzbek International Federation Sport Dance Department, NOC recogn. VDSA - Vietnam DanceSport Association, NOC recogn. PZS - Slovene Dancesport Federation IOC - The International Olympic Committee WDDSC - The World Dance and Dance Sport Council Whisk - A figure or pattern involving the crossing of one foot behind the other. Window - A position of the arms formed by two partners with connected hands, which forms the shape of a window. YUDSF - Yugoslav Dance Sport Federation, NOC recogn. Weight connection - Connection created by both partners leaning their body weight in toward each other, or pulling their body weight away from each other. Whip - A dance figure common in Swing dances such as East Coast Swing, West Coast Swing and Lindy Hop, which gets its name from "whipping" action of the lady around the man. Whisk - A figure or pattern involving the crossing of one foot behind the other. Zig Zag - A figure or pattern involving sharp or angular changes of direction.


Alphabetical Dance Terms List: Accent - an emphasis placed on one or more elements of music and/or dance Action - Reaction - the action of the male leader in partnership dancing (dance couple) is felt and reacted to by the female follower. Action/ Reaction also takes place if the follower does an unexpected syncopation which takes more time than expected. BPM (Beats Per Minute) - tempo of the music, how fast is the music? Brush - a brushing of the ball of the Free Foot against the floor

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Why Dance? Why not, I say. To dance is to express yourself in a way that might be frowned upon walking down a busy street. To dance is to release yourself in self expression, moving through emotions, or feelings you may not be able to put into words. To dance is to use your most powerful tool, to be strong and soft, and luxurious. Your body is the greatest instrument yo

Monday, February 1, 2021


Presenting this now furnished unique studio with den and balcony in The Max. A great Yaletown location! This north-facing, 15th-floor studio features an unfurnished queen-size bed, built-in office in the den, in-suite laundry and storage area, balcony, and open kitchen. You can enjoy a Secured parking space. Super Yaletown location. 2 blocks from Train station. Unit comes with mostly brand new furniture, beddings, kitchen aid, internet, wifi, cable, hydro (up to $50/m), storage and parking.
Everything offers within walking distance. You will also avail the benefits of building amenities that include a 24-hour concierge, Fitness center, movie room and a pool. Lease for 6 months minimum. Sign up for a 1-year lease and get 1/2 month for FREE (durning last month of the year). Yours Sincerely, Natalia Garbuzova (C): 778.317.6393 – texts only please, First Stay Realty Inc. Available Now

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Make the Most of the Space You Have

One of the biggest complaints people have about their houses is that there’s not enough storage space. In fact, a lack of space is the number one reason people decide to purchase bigger homes. But if buying a house isn’t in the cards for you right now, there are plenty of steps you can take to better utilize the space you do have. Clean it out! This may seem like a no-brainer, but the best way to create storage space is to get rid of things you don’t need. This is easier said than done for a lot of people. If you’re someone who likes to hold onto everything and has trouble deciding what to throw out, here are some helpful tips to clear out common household items. Pack it away The key here is to put away everything you’re not using during a particular time of year. For instance, winter jackets, snow boots, sleds, and snow blowers have no use taking up room in your closet or garage during the summer months. Move these items to more permanent storage when they’re not being actively used. These are the best places to store items you’re not currently using: Attic: If you have attic space in your home, make sure you utilize it. Everything from winter jackets to holiday lights can be stored in the attic when they’re not being used. Under the bed: Putting clothes under your bed when they’re not being worn keeps them out of your way but close by in case you want to wear them. Shed: If you have a shed in your yard, you should store all outdoor/landscaping items in it, rather than in your garage. Garages can quickly become overcrowded if they accumulate too much. Storage unit: According to Cost Helper, the average storage unit costs $40-$50 per month for a 5-by-5-foot unit and $75-$140 per month for a 10-by-15-foot unit. If you can afford it, storage units are a great asset that can allow you to save space in your home. Invest in Smart Storage If you’re struggling to find space in your house, luckily, many options exist to organize and save room in the storage spaces you do have. Vacuum-sealed bags: These bags compress clothes, pillows, blankets and other soft items to help them fit into tighter spaces. You can stack and store them away in closets or under beds and you have the added bonus of knowing your items will be protected from outside damage. Stackable storage bins: If you find you’re running out of space in drawers or closets, consider organizing your items into plastic bins. Unorganized messes can take up more space than clutter organized into containers. Shelving and cabinets: Adding closed or open shelving units throughout your home can take care of storage and also provide an attractive feature if used in the right way. But if you don’t want to add shelves into high-traffic areas, consider putting them in laundry rooms, garages, or other less-seen areas of your home. Hidden storage: You can add hidden storage spaces numerous places in your home, including on staircases and inside furniture like coffee tables and ottomans.

Friday, January 29, 2021

Presenting this unfurnished unique studio with den and balcony in The Max. A great Yaletown location! This north-facing, 15th-floor studio features an unfurnished queen-size bed, built-in office in the den, in-suite laundry and storage area, balcony, and open kitchen. You can enjoy Secured parking space and storage. Super Yaletown location. 2 blocks from Train station. Everything offers within walking distance. You will also avail the benefits of building amenities that include a 24-hour concierge, Fitness center, movie room, and a pool:

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Upper Floor of the House Nice Patio

West Vancouver, BC, Canada
Luxury top floor of the custom build house PH - fully furnished with custom made cabinets, moldings and many other high end details - spacious 2 bd one bath with big patio, unit has private laundry...
Vacation Rentals in West Vancouver

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Dance it is the insparation

Why is that dance took over my life and I got preoccupied with it to the limitness or imiginations, to the limitness of choices, I would say...

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